Objective to create three collages created with hand-painted papers and three pages of accompanying text to tell a family story .  For adults, all levels of art and language experience. Ten hours instruction. Flexible scheduling.

  1.   One Story Workshops

Stand-alone workshops for 60-180 minutes. For family reunions, stories can be combined into a book to share.

  1.   Painting Textured Papers for Collage

For adults or teens, a 90-180 minute workshop.

For a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle who would like to work together with a child/teen and make pages for a family story. 4.5-6 hours instruction over three sessions.

  1.     Family Stories Through Art Book Workshop


  1.     Adult/Child Book Workshop


See contact infoPrograms_files/Migration%20Nov%205-6,%202012.pdf
  1.   Team Building Ten hours divided to your schedule

contact infoContact_info.html
Student workStudent_work.html

One of my students interviewed her dad about his early life and service in Korea. Her mother dug out photos, citations, newspaper clippings, a treasure trove of stuff the family had never seen. This book was presented on his 87th birthday-just look at those smiles.

I can't help but think, what if she had never asked those questions and heard the stories? All that memorabilia might have been tossed out when her parents passed without the stories. I urge everyone to ask questions of your living relatives now. Don't wait.